woensdag 13 juli 2016

De toekomst is dichterbij dan je denkt. Ook op Bonaire. Denk je dat 3D printen iets van de toekomst is? Vergis je niet, In Eindhoven worden heup en gewricht implantaten op maat gemaakt en geprint vlak voor de operatie en kinderen op de basis school maken een kunstpoot voor een gans. Zou het niet veel gemakkelijker zijn als we op Bonaire onze onderdelen via het internet bestellen en deze direct worden geprint. Geen transport kosten, geen ABB over de transport kosten, geen vertraging. Beam me up Scotty  Welke toepassingen zie jij op Bonaire voor 3D printen?
The future is nearer than you thought. Also on Bonaire. Do you think 3D printing is something for the future? In Eindhoven (NL) they print replacement parts of your hip or shoulder just before the surgery and on a primary school in Holland they print a replacement for the leg of a goose. Wouldn't it be so much easier if on Bonaire we print our own parts? Just order them on internet and collect them at the print store. No transportation costs, delays or taxes on the transportation. Result cheaper products and shorter delivery time. BEam me up Scotty  Do you have any useful tips for 3D printing on Bonaire?

woensdag 6 juli 2016

3 most populair team building exercises for work

Team building exercises in a workplace are essential as they help create a productive, motivated, and an inspired environment. The real question is what do you expect to achieve from these activities? Do you believe that team building activities can lead to better communication skills and efficiency? Which possible benefits can be gained by your organization through team building?
Team building exercises for work are meant to increase the amount of communication amongst the group. Also, they help employees bond and learn about their one another which helps them communicate with more ease.
Here are three of the most popular team building exercises for work environments.

1.     Zoom (Duration: 30 – 45 Minutes)

Zoom is a problem solving game which requires the wordless book, Zoom, by Istvan Banyai. If need be, you can replace the book with a similar guide. The entire purpose of the wordless book is so that you and your colleagues can narrate a story in a continuous sequence. Each participant may only take one look at their picture, and then they must keep it hidden from the rest.
Participants are given 10 minutes to take notes of the situation and think of where the picture fits best. Once everyone’s prepped, players are allowed to talk about their picture, give a description of it, and form a story when everyone has been given a chance.
This game gives colleagues a platform to communicate on because everyone has a common goal that they’re working towards. Zoom is easy to find and learn. The game is one of the most effective team building exercises for work.

2.     Mine Field (Duration: 15 – 30 Minutes per Team)

The game will be played by forming a group of two. One participant will guide the other participant through a field of scattered objects while being blindfolded. The one who is guiding will be given a list of objects they are needed to find. The person with the list must help his/her partner find or reach the objects.
To make this game interesting, a timer of 5-10 even 15 minutes can be set to see which team is able to work well the most. The spectators are encourages to distract the current team which are in play by shouting and making noises to increase the level of complexity. This game will help colleagues communicate, solve problems together, and will help them work together.

3.     Egg Drop (Duration: 1 Hour)

Although it can get a little messy, it is one of the most classic exercises that focuses on team building. Divide the members into groups of two or three. Give them the task of building a package for an egg which should ideally prevent it from breaking after dropping it from up to the fifth floor. Tools provided can include newspapers, straws, tapes, balloons, and rubber bands. Give them 30 minutes to communicate, share ideas, and observe while they experiment. If possible, start from the 2nd floor and work up to the fifth to see which team did the best job.
Have any team building exercises for work places in mind which are as effective as these? Feel free to share them with us!

dinsdag 28 juni 2016

Op woensdag 22 juni 2016 verzorgde de Chamber of Commerce in samenwerking met ActionCOACH een Six Steps workshop in het Papiaments. De worskhop had als titel "
 6 paso un miho empresa y mas ganashi" vrij vertaald betekent het "6 stappen naar een beter bedrijf en meer geld" Arthur Rosaria firmholder van de ActionCOACH Dutch Caribbean leidde de workshop samen met Wim Coster actionCOACH van Bonaire. De reacties waren enthousiast en een aantal mensen hebben ingetekend voor een vervolg workshop of voor een gratis strategische sessie. Hiervan zijn een gelimiteerd aantal gratis vanwege de recente start van ActionCOACH op Bonaire. Hieronder vindt je een videoreportage van Radio Energia Boneiru die een verslag doet van de six steps.